Amazon Echo - Voice control your world

Whole home audio. Let’s play!

Waking up in bed or a mosh pit? Enjoy hands-free music listening throughout your house. #JustAsk

Spell it out

Impress with your spelling skills Enjoy hands-free spelling sessions with Alexa. #JustAsk

Better call mom

Need to call in the troops? Enjoy hands-free voice-calling. #JustAsk

Reminder alert

Be kind, remind. Enjoy hands-free reminders. #JustAsk

Celebration time!

Song, sangeet, repeat! Enjoy hands-free music with your customised playlist. #JustAsk

Message received

Do the bubble w-rap! Enjoy hands-free voice messaging. #JustAsk

Just in time

What a save! Enjoy hands-free messaging for those crunch moments. #JustAsk